getting crazy..

Oh yea!!!! I'd finish CT and Sosio paper! wee~~~
Oh my... I'm in a super duper happy mood, but.. the exam has not finished.
Hmm...I'm suppose to be in exam mood, how come it changed to holiday mood?I wonder why..
Hey.. stay calm, haven't done revision yet, take a deep breathe~~~ (breathing) ok! let's start revision!
5 minutes later...
Wee~~~ finished two papers! 3 more to go..
Oh yea... start coundown, 5 more days then I can go back to hometown!
Hey.. calm down, clam down, revision ya.. remember? the final exam is still in progress.
5 minutes later...
Wee~~~~ so happy! extremly happy! I can't find a suitable word to describe it~
(Oh My.. how many times will this cycle repeat?)

Hmm.. I got a conclusion..
I'm insane right now! haha~~~




